Friday, April 8, 2011

It's a puzzle quilt!

The parts of the big mystery retreat quilt are all finished (yay!) and I've pinned them up on the design wall.  It's is so big it's folded up against the ceiling!  The most obvious problems are the center with the red baskets is too big, and the turquoise flying geese strips are too short (or the outside corners are too big...I still have to figure that out).

It's hard to tell what the final product will look like as I still have lots of applique to do.  The baskets need handles and flowers and the outside corners get flowers too.  I bought a pack of construction paper and I'm going to have some fun cutting out applique shapes and pinning them up to see the effect.  :-)  That sort of thing can keep me happily occupied for hours!  LOL

I took photos in order to see what the difference would be between cutting the center down to fit or leaving out the narrow purple border.  I'm thinking I need the purple.  But I'll play with paper flowers first and see what it looks like. 

It's a puzzle! 


Heera said...

Wow Katie, your new puzzle quilt is beautiful! I love the big diamond block right in the middle of the quilt. Can't wait to see it all done.

Lynn said...

Stunning!! I think I like the purple border for the middle piece also.

Starzie said...

LOVE IT!!! makes me want to sit down and quilt....although currently machine holds clothes sigh