Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Sigh...  It's pre-dawn (5am) and I'm sitting here listening to birds rather than sleeping.  They're loud.  But I do love to hear them.  I can also hear the dogs rattling their collars so I guess they'll want to go out in a few minutes, despite the early hour.

Not much to show & tell coming out of The Sandbox lately.  I have been sewing but it's a big mystery quilt project with nothing of substance to show yet.  To make it a mystery it's done in bits and pieces...lots of pieces!  Makes it hard to see progress.  I've started putting the large corner sections together and pinned the bits up on the wall for a photo to see the effect.  If nothing else, it sure is going to be colorful!

The work on the porch progresses.  The ceiling is painted.  Trim needs to be finished.  We got far enough along yesterday evening (fan reassembled and furniture placed) to be able to have our very late dinner on the porch.  I'll go out and take pictures later.

Spring is still springing.  Yesterday I decided to rake out the garden and under the bushes in the front.  I encountered a toad (good), a huge slug (nasty but ok) and at least one snake (not ok!). The dogwood is in bloom and the azaleas are starting.

We have fairy rings of hostas.  I guess they need dividing and moving.

The raised garden has been put together and is waiting for dirt.

And the new bird houses have nests.  :-)

A lovely moss and fluff chickadee nest.  :-)

My Christmas cactuses are blooming again. (!?)

And the ever-present turtles are enjoying the amazing weather too.

Today is supposed to be another day in the 80s!  My northern heart still goes pitter-patter with excitement over each lovely warm day in March.  Amazing!  LOL


Jeanne Turner McBrayer said...

I saw my first dogwood blooms today! And redbud, too. Your porch looks great.

Lynn said...

Nice work on the porch, you all are really handy, I have some work here if ..... (just kidding). My husband was working in the yard on Sunday and asked if I wanted to come out and look at the snake(s!) he found.