Friday, May 27, 2016


Secret sewing going on here today so nothing new to show.  Yesterday afternoon I set The Viking up in his sandbox and snuck in a little La Passacaglia sewing time.  Normally I need lights and magnifiers to make hand stitching possible, but with this kind of hand piecing I don't seem to need any of those aids and can pick it up and sew almost anywhere.  A delightful surprise!

All of the sand buckets were pressed into use as "knight hats."

He danced and jumped around pretending the green one was stuck on his head.  "I can't get my knight hat off!  Have to call insurance!"  Insurance???  That was a surprise.  He's only three!

Anyway.  While he entertained me with songs and dances (which can become pretty epic), I plugged away at my hand sewing.  So far so good.

I found a plastic pencil box under my cutting table, jumbled in with the stack of empty project bins and it's perfect as a take-along kit.  It even fits in my purse.  And it's purple!  What more could I ask?  :-)


Tine said...

That sounds really nice - being able to sew without having to have both glasses and extra light.... I am needing glasses to handsew as well, and it is just such a hassle :-(
...and what a sweetie! Great entertainment while you stitch.

Jenny said...

So funny - your little grandson is priceless!

Anonymous said...

Hi Katie,lol,your little viking is such a character,oh i love your piece the colours are beautiful,enjoy your day my friend xx